Monday, March 7, 2011


It’s been said by pretty much every filmmaker, there are three movies that you make: the one you write, the one you shoot and the one you edit. When you shoot a film, you often discover that elements within the script are not as practical as you thought.  Maybe the weather wasn’t cooperating that day, turning the scene into something else (possibly even for the better). If you’re lucky, you may discover something far more interesting on set than you originally imagined -- a unique adlib or performance by the actor which adds a whole new flavor that wasn’t on the page.

When it comes to the art of editing, the process will redefine the film once again. A film editor’s job isn’t to just cut every scene together. With hours of footage and multiple takes of a scene, a film editor needs to creatively find the rhythm of the movie, working within the layers of images, story, dialogue and performances. That being said, I don’t think we could have found a better editor for this film than Mark Shearer. With a strong artistic eye, and tremendous energy to boot, Mark considers himself more of a story editor as he asks tough questions and raises excellent story points that reflect a changing film. I’m very pleased to work alongside such a talent these last two months.

The greatest joy however, is just seeing the movie come to life. A few private screenings we’ve had over these last few weeks have helped to shape the editing process, by letting us know where the film’s pacing needs to be readjusted, where the story needs more clarity or elements that come across as a little too obvious. These next 5 days will allow us the opportunity to adjust any remaining areas we’d like to improve, and make the film the best it can be.

Next stop - music score, sound design, visual FX, and colour correction.